Anti Aging

Bring you back to your youth by the anti-aging program which has various treatments such as wrinkles removal, prevention of degenerative disease and rehabilitation.
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TMC Anti-Aging Center

TMC Anti-Aging Center

Maintain your youthful appearance which is keeping your skin, beauty and staying healthy from both inside and outside for longer through Anti–aging program by Thonburi Medical Center.

Get to know more about Anti-aging Program

Treating yourself is the best way to keep your good health last longer. There are various causes that make people age in different levels, for example, some people get older fast but some people stay young longer. Anti–aging program does not only make your face and body shape look younger, but also balances, recovers and prevents degenerative conditions. So, this program can prevent some diseases that can affect your health in the future and keep your good health last for longer.

Signs of Aging

If you have some symptoms like the following, it probably means 'the signs of aging'. Mostly symptoms will disturb your daily life such as, exhaustion or drowsiness, dizziness, feeling cheerless after waking up, tired brain, feeling anxious, insomnia, having rashes out of nowhere and getting mad and getting fat easier. The above symptoms probably come from nutrient imbalances such as Amino acid, vitamin and minerals. Furthermore, Hormone imbalances, Neurotransmitter imbalances and antioxidant imbalances can be the cause of the symptoms as well.

The Cause of Aging
  • Hormone when people get older, hormone production will be decreased. People at the age over 35 years old usually notice hormone changes obviously, for example; when women reach Menopause, hormone will affect their body directly such as; skin conditions, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and mood swings.
  • Blood sugar level - Too high or too low blood sugar level such as eating carbohydrate and dessert behavior.
  • Environment – such as air pollution, chemicals, smoke, radiation and toxins. They would affect your body directly.
  • Free radical and Antioxidant - when there are more free radicals present than can be kept in balance by antioxidants, the free radicals can start doing damage to DNA, protein, fat and oxidative damage.
The process of TMC Anti-Aging Center
  • Hormone Level Test

    Testing the levels of hormones in the body. The price starts at 1,200 Baht.

  • Free Radical and Antioxidant Capacity Testd-ROMs & PAT tests can determine the status of your body which is checking Homeostasis and the causes that probably affect your health in the future. Moreover, this test can follow-up a quality of chronic diseases treatment as well.
    - d-ROMs Test
    : A test designed to assess oxidative stress to check if your body is damaged by oxidative stress.

    - PAT test: A test designed to assess the body’s ability and the antioxidant capacity to check if your body can fight free radicals.

  • Telomere Length test, the test designed to reveal your Biological Age.
    Telomeres are structures made from DNA sequences and proteins found at the ends of chromosomes. Telomeres are shortened with age and Telomere length tests can tell you about your biological age.

  • Oral medicine treatment which has vitamin and herbal supplements for reducing wrinkles and improving anti-aging.

    A doctor will diagnose your condition and cure you by oral medicine which are vitamin and herbal supplements such as Pueraria Mirifica, Black Galingale and Mulberry. Also, drugs for external use are included. This treatment will fix your health problems properly.

We can use sunlight as anti-aging … Do you know that? Let’s see how sunlight protect you from aging by Dr. Kamonphat Mekvoravut (Dr. Jo)

Consult the doctor for free! Booking an appointment and asking for more information here:

  Tel: 02-466-9955 | 02-465-9822
  Facebook: ศูนย์การแพทย์ธนบุรี Thonburi Medical Center

  Instagram: Thonburi Medical Center

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