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Botox (Botulinum Toxin) Injection

Lower face size, reduce size of jawline, reduce wrinkles, stop sweating and remedy smelly armpits by BTX Injection
BTX Injection is a popular procedure in these days because there are a lot of advantages and several injection areas. Moreover, this treatment is extremely safe and it takes a short time for a result. IM is working for 4 – 6 months and then it will dissolve itself without leaving any residue of BTX Injection.
How does BTX Injection work?
When it is injected directly to muscle, it will affect Acetylcholine system and make muscle smaller by stopping muscles work. Making muscle smaller will shrink the face in size because jaw muscle is shrunk and wrinkles will be removed because muscle of facial expression, which are crow’s feet, forehead and glabella works less.
BTX Injection has a lot of unexpected advantages
BTX Injection is usually used in cosmetic procedures such as reducing wrinkles, reducing calf muscle and reducing jawline. But the fact that BTX Injection can cure the symptom of office syndrome and also, it can stop sweating and smelling armpits efficiently, do you know about those facts?
How can you make BTX Injection last longer?
Basically, the average result from BTX Injection lasts about 3-6 months, but you can repeat the injection to make the result last longer. As Thonburi Medical Center, we have recommendations as follows:
- After getting BTX Injection, you should not lie down for 4 hours to prevent BTX Injections spreading to other areas.
- Avoiding extreme heat from activities such as sauna, shower with warm water and dipping in warm water because those activities will dissolve BTX.
- Avoiding getting RF treatment or any laser treatments which use heat in the process, for 2 weeks.
- After getting BTX Injection for 1 – 2 hours, you should move your muscles to improve the treatment effectiveness.
BTX Injection not only reduces wrinkles, but also protects your face from "premature wrinkles"
Before wrinkles appear on your face permanently, you probably notice that the wrinkles will become permanent wrinkles, if you leave them on your face for too long. BTX Injection for reducing wrinkles can slow down wrinkles effectively.
What should I do if I want to get BTX Injection?
- Initial consultation
You can consult with us before visiting Thonburi medical center. Adding a friend here, LINE Official Account (LINE ID: and sending the photo (relating to your health problem) or asking us about your problem by LINE official account, then we will give you an initial advice, make an appointment and catch up/follow up the result closely following the process.
- Making an appointment with doctor
The specialist doctor will diagnose your symptoms and determine how many units you will need, then find the way to take care of your condition properly.
- Follow up the result
When you get the BTX Injection, the full effect will clearly come out after 1 week and the result will last for 6 – 9 months.
Review – The result of reducing wrinkles by BTX Injection
More Reviews Click
**The result is depending on an individual condition.**
Consult the doctor for free! Booking an appointment and asking for more information here:
Tel: 02-466-9955 | 02-465-9822
Facebook: ศูนย์การแพทย์ธนบุรี Thonburi Medical Center
Instagram: Thonburi Medical Center
As Thonburi Medical Center, we glad to give you a medical advice and we will properly provide you the services with our warm heart.
Botulinum Toxin is used for reducing muscle mass and tightening sagging skin but Filler is used for filling deep wrinkles in damaged skin areas such as nasolabial folds and under eyes.
Botox is starting to work in 3–4 days after getting the treatment and the full effect will come out in 1–2 months. It will last for 6–9 months and dissolve itself naturally.
Botox is an extremely safe treatment. In some cases, a patient might get an itchy pimple or bruises in an injected area but they will disappear themselves in 1 week.