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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Face Treatment
Getting younger looking skin with facial improving and recovery by PRP injection (Platelet Rich Plasma)
PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a platelet that is 3 – 4 times as rich as the platelets in blood. This process uses plasma which gets from your blood after spinning in a centrifuge, and injects into your face skin. Moreover, the plasma has a growth factor that is a protein or Glycoprotein which helps to stimulate cell growth, so this treatment can recover your skin health to get brighter and also this is an extremely safe treatment program for facial condition.
Why is PRP injection popular these days?
Who can get PRP injection?
An innovative skin-care treatment for younger looking skin is PRP injection which is the treatment that uses a rich platelet injection into skin. Both female and male who want to get a younger looking skin or who has wrinkles on skin in the area such as nasolabial folds, the corner outer of eyes, forehead and body skin can get PRP injection as a treatment.
How long does it take for PRP injection and how do you have to prepare before getting the treatment?
Before getting PRP injection treatment, you should take enough rest and drink as much water as you can to prevent too rich and too thick of blood. This treatment takes about 45 – 60 minutes for drawing blood, blood-spinning and the process of PRP injection.
What should you do after getting PRP injection?
Actually, there are no instructions after getting PRP injection. Even the day you get the treatment, you can wash your face and shower as usual. PRP injection will not affect your daily life, so this treatment is quite popular these days.
What should I do if I want to get PRP treatment?
- Initial consultation
You can consult with us before visiting Thonburi medical center. Adding a friend here, LINE Official Account (LINE ID: and sending the photo (relating to your health problem) or asking us about your problem by LINE official account ,then we will give you an initial advice, make an appointment and catch up/follow up the result closely following the process.
- Making an appointment
The specialist doctor will diagnose your symptoms and find the best way to take care of your condition.
- The process of PRP injection
An experienced staff draws your blood from a vein in your arm about 20 – 30 CC. and then, the blood will be placed into a centrifuge. The machine spins around quickly, causing the blood components to separate. The specialist doctor takes the separated plasma or PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and prepares it for injection into the affected area.
- The specialist doctor injects PRP into face
The specialist doctor will clean your face and inject PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) into face skin.
- Following up the result
An experienced staff will keep following-up the result closely and the full effect will clearly come out when you get the treatment for 2 – 3 times in 3 months.
Khun Rin Sririnya said PRP injection is No.1 of facial treatment
Review: Khun Charlotte Austin had a problem about her unbalanced face, so she chose PRP injection by Thonburi medical center for solving her problem.
Consult the doctor for free! Booking an appointment and asking for more information here:
Tel: 02-466-9955 | 02-465-9822
Facebook: ศูนย์การแพทย์ธนบุรี Thonburi Medical Center
Instagram: Thonburi Medical Center
As Thonburi Medical Center, we glad to give you a medical advice and we will properly provide you the services with our warm heart.
We provides full services of facial treatments such as making your facial condition get better and brightening dull skin. We can guarantee the result of treatments from our customer reviews.
PRP injection is a process which uses only your blood, so this treatment is extremely safe and barely risks allergies.
The cost of PRP injection starts from 6,900 baht for once.