Sexual Health

Improve and maintain your sexual health to solve all the sexual problems such as Erectile dysfunction, treatment of Hormonal imbalance and Cross-sex Hormonal therapy.
  • Open every day
    11.00 AM - 07.00 PM
    Close: Sunday
    Consult Doctor
    03.30 PM - 07.00 PM
Contact Info

TMC Sexual Health Center

TMC Sexual Health Center

Sexual Health Center by Thonburi Medical Center provides consultation and maintains your sexual health to solve all the sexual problems such as Erectile Dysfunction, Erection problem, Mismatched sex appetites, treatment of Hormonal imbalance and Cross-sex Hormonal Therapy.

Consult the doctor for free! Booking an appointment and asking for more information here:

  Tel: 02-466-9955 | 02-465-9822
  Facebook: ศูนย์การแพทย์ธนบุรี Thonburi Medical Center

Your happiness, our happiness.
As Thonburi Medical Center, we glad to give you a medical advice and we will properly provide you the services with our warm heart.